Anti-majoritarianism in the House

If there is in fact majority support for some measure in the House — counting the votes of all members irrespective of party — and the Speaker of the House, acting as a partisan, refuses to put the measure to a vote, the refusal should be seen as a petty betrayal of the majoritarianism that lies at the heart of the American Experiment. Kudos to the current Speaker for ensuring a vote on the aid bills.

I Like Joe

Fine. Joe Biden is older than we’d like. And sure, his son has had some of the serious issues faced by so many sons and daughters. But Biden’s been a decent, reasonable President who’s made the right calls on the economy, on foreign policy, and on a variety of other issues. He is most assuredly not of “the Left,” as that term was understood before it was so distorted by the modern GOP to further the aims of the very wealthy and the Religious Right. Here in Europe, he’d be recognized as a moderate. Any voter who is prepared to disregard all this and to vote (again) for the most malign, corrupt, incompetent, uninformed person ever to occupy the Oval Office does not deserve the name of steward of the republic.